Don’t Let The Backsplash Win!

When I went to select the backsplash for our new Langley Model, I was having a hard time deciding what to pick. Not because I couldn’t find anything I loved, but because I was looking for something “different.” We have done a lot of model homes, and we have shown some beautiful selections. I wanted this home to be a little different. And in a lot of ways it was different. So in the end, I decided I didn’t need to go rogue on the backsplash. In the end, I chose good ol’ fashion white subway tile.
But as I was looking, I found some really awesome combinations I thought you’d like to see! Maybe it will help you in your own selections.
I love this combination, and I think you will too. The mini gray subways have a crackled, glass finish. So pretty!

The next combination is really cool – it is a random mosaic tile that goes GREAT with gray cabinets and white quartz tops.

I love this combination too (my goodness – so much goes with gray and white!). The different textures in this tile work so well together!
This next tile is brand new – it is a take off of the old Chicago brick.

We have three different colors to choose from. I think this one would work great in a kitchen (the other two would go awesome in a bar area). I love the Chicago stamp (I love Chicago too!)…
So pretty.
And this next one is a spin on subway tile – I love the texture!

Now this combination might be my favorite so far, and if I was doing granite in the kitchen at the Langley Model, this is what I would choose. You know how I feel about the Gray Loft cabinet finish and don’t get me started on White Diamonds granite. Pair it with this backsplash – so good!

Yes, please!
Are you looking for a backsplash for your wetbar? I love these stacked stone options! Because when I think about a wetbar, I think warm and cozy. And that’s what I see here.

And here’s a backsplash shown two ways:

I love the texture of this stone. And by just changing out the cabinet to off-white, you get an entirely different look!

So don’t let the backsplash win! There are so many great options (these are just a few of my favorites), and we’d love to help you find the perfect selection for your home!
What do you think?
Dream Big. Build Smart.