NDI Gives Back: Wounded Vet Project Part 4

We recently announced a very special project we’re doing through NDI Gives Back. Later this year, NDI will be gifting a brand new NDI home to a wounded military veteran and his family. It is just one small way we can show this wonderful family our appreciation for their service to this country.
I’ve introduced you to Kyle and his sweet family, and now I’d like to show you what we’re building! We have a big hole in the ground and the walls have been poured.
And soon the lumber will drop. So what model did we choose?
The Waverly Model!
This house has been designed with Kyle’s needs in mind. Easy access inside the house and 1st floor living that provides him with accessibility throughout.
We worked closely with Kyle and his wife to make sure we incorporated all the features that would make living in their new home comfortable and safe. A few features we are very excited about are WIFI controlled HVAC, a special vanity that Kyle can access from his chair, and a roll in shower.
The second level is perfect for the rest of their family.
I’m so grateful for the many subcontractors and suppliers who have offered their help on this project so far (including our cabinet company, MidSouth!). Their generosity is proof we aren’t the only ones who feel honored to serve this great family.
Stay tuned!
Dream Big. Build Smart.