What We’re Building: Jen’s Week In Review

Only a few weeks left of summer and man, I wish it would slow down!
Have you been watching the Olympics? We let the boys stay up last Friday night to watch some of the Opening Ceremony. When Team USA walked into the stadium they started chanting – USA USA USA. It never gets old.
Here’s a bit about what’s been happening around here…
Wounded Vet Project Update
My MOST favorite thing this week (THIS YEAR!) has been this project. When dad came to me last year with his idea to build a new NDI home for a veteran, I never imagined the impact a project like this would have on me. I’m becoming attached to this family. Attached to their humility. Their gratefulness. Their sacrifice.
The update this week is we are starting work! To commemorate, we met Kyle and his sweet family out at the lot to snap a few pictures.
Yes – that’s SILT FENCE! Site is prepped the cut sheet is received – we are ready for the dig!
Dad requested a picture with fellow Marine, Kyle.
Next week, I’ll be telling you all about what we are building Kyle and his family.
Meet The Builder This Weekend (8/13)
We are having a Meet The Builder this weekend. We only schedule these special events a few times a year and it is a GREAT opportunity to meet our team and some of the partners you’ll need if you are thinking about building – construction loan lender, site engineer and site subcontractor. They will all be on-hand to answer your questions.
And I’ll be there, too. Hope to see you on the 13th! Can’t make the MTB, this Custom Fairlington will also be open for showings on 8/13 & 8/14 from Noon – 4 PM.
This Week’s Pre-Construction Meeting
We will be building a Vienna Model for the “F” Family in Falls Church. In fact, on their same street, we’ve built three other NDI homes (and the street isn’t but about block long!). I was talking to Mrs. F before the meeting started this morning. I’m always so glad to hear about the positive experience our clients are having. It truly makes my heart sing for our team!
Langley Model Update
And we have a hole in the ground at our Langley Model! Happy to report no major site issues so far and walls should be poured next week.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I hope your weekend is filled with fun summer activities – including a lazy day or two!
Dream Big. Build Smart.