How Do We Name Our Designs?

We are in the process of rolling out a new home design, and we love it! If you missed the post on our newest design, be sure to check it out. I think you are going to love the Greenhill Model.
I get asked all the time how we come up with the names for our models. And the quick answer is, it depends. For this home (and probably for the other 1-story living plans we hope to add!), we chose to name it after a favorite Virginia winery, Greenhill Winery & Vineyards located near Middleburg, VA. Paul and I visited for the first time in April, and we loved everything about it. They recently opened their new facilities and it is impressive.
Best of all – their wine is GOOD! They even have a bubbly and a rose! Paul and I were out at Greenhill this past weekend for a friend’s birthday party – we were trying to get a picture together (we’re trying to take more pictures!), and it was a bit of a challenge with the wind. I think our friend took 10 or 12 pictures before we got a “good” one…
So how did we go from wine tasting to a new home design? Well I don’t know if it’s the white siding or red door but as soon as I saw the Greenhill Model renderings, I immediately thought of Greenhill the winery. And that is when we knew we had a name!
Now I’m wondering if I can say wine tasting is actually work related?
Dream Big. Build Smart.